Assessing Cognitive Communication Skills in Dementia: A Scoping Review.
Project Aim(s): To review published cognitive–communication assessments to determine what psychometrically sound assessments exist that are applicable to all people with dementia.
Control of Neuronal Proteostasis by Stress-induced Transfer RNA Fragments (‘tiRNA’) as a common Stress Pathway across Neurodegenerative Disorders.
Project Aim(s):
(i) To Identify tiRNA/sncRNA fingerprints in AD, ALS, FTD and PD human disease i-neurons.
(ii) To determine if tiRNAs affect the survival of i-neurons from controls and ALS, PD and FTD models.
PD-MitoQUANT – A quantitative Approach towards the Characterisation of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Parkinson's disease (PD).
Project Aim(s): PD-MitoQUANT is an Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) ( project that brings together academic experts, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), pharmaceutical companies from the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA)European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) ( and patient advocacy organisation Parkinson’s UKParkinson’s UK (www.p
Systems Analysis of novel small Non-coding RNA in neuronal Stress Responses: Towards novel Biomarkers and Therapeutics for Neurodegenerative Disorders - RNA-NEURO.
Project Aim(s): The aim of RNA-NEURO is to reveal the role of small non-coding RNAs in Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and frontotemporal dementia, with a view to creating novel therapeutic strategies to treat these disorders.
Analysis of tiRNA and tiRNA-protein Complexes and Development of tiRNAs as Therapeutics and Biomarkers in ALS and Epilepsy.
Project Aim(s): To perform a systematic analysis of tiRNA – protein complexes in ALS and Epilepsy models as well as samples from patients.
How does Cerebrospinal Fluid from Alzheimer’s Disease Patients affect Human Cortical Forebrain Cerebroid Form and Function?
Project Aim(s): To determine the effect(s) of CSF from Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients on cerebroids cultured healthy human iPSCs and to identify the mediator(s) of AD-CSF-mediated pathology.
Study of Presenilins as a possible Prophylactic Drug Target for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Project Aim(s): To utilise brain organoids to investigate the aetiology of Alzheimer's disease.