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Research for Dementia and Home Design in Ireland: Looking at New Build and Retro-Fit Homes from a Universal Design Approach Key Findings and Recommendations.

Project Aim(s): This study on dementia and home design in Ireland was undertaken to inform the development of Universal Design Guidelines for Dementia Friendly Dwellings produced by the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design at the National Disability Authority in 2015. The study included an extensive scoping review of the literature, stakeholder engagement, and case studies of dwellings designed for people with dementia.

Connected HEalth Supporting Home Stay with Dementia (CHESS).

The aim is to evaluate the utility of a Connected Health model in supporting people with dementia and their carergivers in sustaining the patient at home. We propose that the CH model allows enhanced information- sharing between patient, carergiver and healthcare team, enabling streamlined clinical management, empowering the caregiver and enhancing the ability of the caregiver/patient dyad to cope.

©2025 Dementia Research Network Ireland. Follow us on Twitter: @DRNIre