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Project Aim(s): To support national and local Parkinson’s disease service planning by three linked work packages.

The first maps the prevalence of Parkinson’s disease and service availability for people with Parkinson’s, across each of the nine Community Healthcare Organisation regions in Ireland, to highlight mismatches between population needs and service provision.

The second develops quality indicators for Irish PD services and assesses existing services against these indicators, to demonstrate where extra resources are needed to provide a quality service.

The final work package explores the experience of people with Parkinson’s with respect to services they receive, and their priorities for service provision.

Additional Comments

We will be conducting surveys and interviews with people with Parkinson’s disease and their carers about their own personal experiences of health services for Parkinson’s disease in Ireland.

We are also looking for people with Parkinson’s disease and carers to be involved in the Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) advisory group for this project – we would really value your input on details of the project to ensure that we are addressing the issues that are most important to people with Parkinson’s and their carers in terms of health service provision and development.

We will be conducting surveys and interviews with other professional stakeholders regarding current health service provision for people with Parkinson’s in Ireland, with particular reference to specialist Parkinson’s (movement disorder) clinics, and generic clinics that see people with Parkinson’s.

Disease area
Parkinson's Disease and related disorders
Field of research
Connected Health
Principal Investigator/ Researcher Names
Dr. Suzanne Timmons (PI)
Dr. Emma O' Shea (Postdoctoral Researcher)
Ms. Alphie Rukundo (Research Assistant)
University College Cork (UCC)
Funding body

Health Research Board

Grant Awarded (€)
Patrick Quinn Award, PQA-2019-002
Start date
Project completed
End/expected end date
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