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Alzheimer Europe Conference


The 31st Annual Conference of Alzheimer Europe  #31AEC, will be held as a virtual conference, under the banner “Resilience in dementia: Moving beyond the COVID-19 pandemic” (29 November - 1 December 2021).

Alzheimer Europe is calling for abstracts for oral, quick oral and poster presentations on the following subjects (deadline 30th June):

 Resilience and the COVID-19 pandemic:

Parkinson's Research in Ireland Seminar Series


RCSI will be hosting a seminar via zoom on 15th April (6-7pm) as part of their virtual seminar series "Parkinson's Research in Ireland".

Perspectives from research laboratories, industry and those with the condition will be shared through short, lively talks followed by a Q&A session.

15th April, 6:00 - 7:00 PM

  • Maeve Caldwell (Trinity College Dublin)
  • Speaker to be confirmed (Beats Medical)

Register for free at Eventbrite:

Parkinson's Research in Ireland Seminar Series


RCSI will be hosting a seminar via zoom on 8th April (6-7pm) as part of their virtual seminar series "Parkinson's Research in Ireland".

Perspectives from research laboratories, industry and those with the condition will be shared through short, lively talks followed by a Q&A session.

8th April, 6:00 - 7:00 PM

BRAIN HEALTH: Online Webinar Series


Throughout March – May 2021, Dementia Research Network Ireland will host a free online webinar series on the topic of Brain Health. Designed for a public audience, leading researchers in the field of brain health will address the following questions:

• How does brain health affect our cognition and how do we measure it?

• How does food affect our brain health?

• Can physical training exercise our brains?

• What are healthy habits for a healthy mind?

• What can neuroimaging tell us about brain health?

Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2021


The Alzheimer’s Association International Conference® (AAIC) will take place online 26th – 30th July 2021. Join the world’s leading basic scientists, clinical researchers, early career investigators, clinicians and the care research community who will share breaking research discoveries that will lead to methods of prevention and treatment and improvements in diagnosis for Alzheimer’s disease.

General abstract submission has closed. Abstract submissions for Developing Topics will open late April / early May and close in early June.

Alzheimer’s Association International Conference® (AAIC) Satellite Symposium


The AAIC Satellite Symposium will take place online from May 12th-13th 2021 and attendance is free of charge. AAIC are partnering with the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) for this event.

Leading experts will explore emerging dementia research in the Mediterranean region and network with others who share your interests. As part of the year-round learning opportunities offered by AAIC, noted researchers will discuss the latest findings and information around:

Parkinson's Research in Ireland


RCSI Dublin are delighted to host a virtual series of events over 3 Thursday evenings in November 2020 - "Parkinson's Research in Ireland".

The series is aimed at anyone with an interest in Parkinson's research, and each event will consist of 2 short talks from a researcher, a person with Parkinson's, a health professional and/or an industry representative, followed by an audience Q&A.

More information and free registration are available at EventBrite

©2025 Dementia Research Network Ireland. Follow us on Twitter: @DRNIre