Dy Yvonne Nolan

Job title
Senior Lecturer
University College Cork
Broad research area
Basic Science Research
Research interests
The influence of inflammation, diet and physical activity on the life and death of neurons
Inflammation is a key contributor to cognitive deficits observed in ageing, neurodevelopmental disorders and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as to the motor and cognitive decline associated with Parkinson’s disease. While inflammation is detrimental to the generation of new neurons (neurogenesis) and cognition, physical exercise and appropriate diet are potent promoters of neurogenesis and facilitate learning and cognition. The aim of my research is to identify and develop pro-cognitive interventions and therapies to counteract the negative effects of brain inflammation.
Inflammation is a key contributor to cognitive deficits observed in ageing, neurodevelopmental disorders and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as to the motor and cognitive decline associated with Parkinson’s disease. While inflammation is detrimental to the generation of new neurons (neurogenesis) and cognition, physical exercise and appropriate diet are potent promoters of neurogenesis and facilitate learning and cognition. The aim of my research is to identify and develop pro-cognitive interventions and therapies to counteract the negative effects of brain inflammation.