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Setting Research Priorities for Lewy Body Dementia in Ireland

Aim: To set priorities for research to inform health and social care planning for people with LBD and their care partners in Ireland.

Specifically, this project will:

Objective 1: Identify the evidence gap and priority needs for LBD by incorporating multiple stakeholder perspectives, with strong 'patient and public involvement (PPI)', based on gold standard JLA methods.

EMERALD-Lewy: Improving the diagnosis, management, and lived experience of overlooked dementias in Ireland

Lewy body dementias (LBD, including Parkinson's dementia and Lewy body dementia) accounts for >20% of the nearly 65,000 people with dementia in Ireland. LBD is ‘the most common form of dementia no-one has heard about’. Fewer than 5% of those affected receive a formal diagnosis. LBD is characterised by cognitive-behavioural and physical changes which significantly impact quality of life and care burden. Knowledge, awareness and support in Ireland for LBD is minimal.

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