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Numerous clinical trials have shown that neurons can be transplanted into the Parkinson’s diseased brain to replace the dopamine neurons that have died as a result of the disease process. However, to date, there is no established source of neurons that can be used for widespread application of this therapy. This project is investigating stem cells extracted from the bone marrow as a potential cell source for brain repair and/or protection.

This project is funded by the Irish Health Research Board and is in collaboration with Dr. Linda Howard (Regenerative Medicine Institute) and Prof. Frank Barry (Regenerative Medicine Institute). 

Disease area
Parkinson's Disease and related disorders
Field of research
Basic/Discovery Research
Principal Investigator/ Researcher Names
Dr. Eilis Dowd
Deirdre Hoban
Dr. Linda Howard
Prof. Frank Berry
NUI Galway
Funding body

Irish Research Council

Grant Awarded (€)
Start date
Project completed
End/expected end date
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