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Resource allocation decision-making in dementia in Ireland is often characterised as being narrow, implicit and provider-driven, with little knowledge about how priorities are set and addressed, and to what effect. The absence of people with dementia from the decision-making process does much to undermine personhood and citizenship within dementia in Ireland. The aim of this study is to address optimality in resource allocation decision-making for people with dementia, thereby facilitating a more person-centred, equitable and visible resource allocation process linked to the National Dementia Strategy, which includes the provision of personalised, community-based supports for people with dementia. The research questions the project seeks to address are:

·         What is current resource allocation for people with dementia in Ireland?

·         What is the optimal level and mix of services for different dementia case types in Ireland?

·         Can we develop stakeholder consensus on optimal care services for complex dementia case types, subject to budget constraints?

·         What are the cost and funding implications of optimal community-based provision for different dementia case types?

Disease area
Dementia (including Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias)
Field of research
Economic Research
Principal Investigator/ Researcher Names
Dr Fiona Keogh
Dr Tom Pierse
Prof Eamon O'Shea
Ms Laura Carter
Dr Emer Begley
Ms Mary Manning
HSE (Research Partner)
NUI Galway
Funding body

Health Research Board Applied Partnership Award

Grant Awarded (€)
Start date
Project completed
End/expected end date
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