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Project Aim(s): The aim is to use epidemiologic and clinical datasets to track in detail the patient journey in ALS, and from this to provide a robust staging system, generate cost models and appropriate health economic metrics, and to inform the design of a user-friendly electronic care matrix for optimal ALS management that can be used by non-specialists, and that in turn can be modified for use in other neurodegenerative conditions.

Disease area
Motor Neurone Disease
Field of research
Clinical Research
Principal Investigator/ Researcher Names
Prof. Orla Hardiman
Prof. Leonard van den Berg (Utrecht)
Prof. Ammar Al Chalabi (London)
Prof. Chris McDermott (Sheffield)
Prof. Adriano Chio (Turin)
Prof. Thomas Meyer (Berlin)
Dr. Johanna Anneser (Munich)
Prof. Walter Sermeus (Leuven)
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
KIng's College London
Technical University of Munich
Trinity College Dublin
UMC Utrecht
University of Sheffield
University of Turin
Funding body

The EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) through The Health Research Board (HRB).

Grant Awarded (€)
200,000 (Consortium - €2,100,000)
Start date
Project completed
End/expected end date
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