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Project Aim(s): To develop and assess the feasibility of a theoretically-informed, evidence-based and sustainable intervention to rationalise antipsychotic prescribing in nursing home residents with dementia.

Additional Comments

Disease area
Dementia (including Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias)
Field of research
Clinical Research
Principal Investigator/ Researcher Names
Dr. Kieran Walsh
Dr. Suzanne Timmons
Prof. John Browne
Dr. Jenny Mc Sharry
Prof. Stephen Byrne
University College Cork (UCC)
Funding body

(i) Atlantic Philanthropies

(ii) Health Research Board

(iii) SPHeRE (Structured Population and Health-Services Research Education) programme (Grant No. SPHeRE/2013/1.)

Grant Awarded (€)
Start date
Project completed
End/expected end date
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