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Jari PirhonenOctober's Researcher in Focus is Dr. Jari Pirhonen, lecturer and social scientist at Tampere University in Finland. Jari spoke to us about his research into long term care and dementia. 


What is your area of research?

My research topics relate all to old age. I study long-term care for older people from their perspective, trying to figure out nursing homes as living environments. My prior interest has been in constituents of good life in nursing homes, ethics of care technology, COVID-19 restrictions, and acknowledging residents’ convictions to mention some areas. Lately, I have been interested in social affects of dementia and dementia related stigma.

What made you interested in this area?

Before I became a researcher, I worked as a practical nurse in nursing homes. There I noticed that older adults living there seemed often to be bystanders, although the care service was FOR them. I began to wonder why this is so and I am still on that road.

What impact would you like your research to have?

My research interest has always been emancipatory. I give most of my lectures outside the Academia to make people aware of situation of the frailest people in Finland. I want to study to show the status quo to be able to improve it. Regarding dementia, I want to get rid of the stigma to help people with dementia to live as freely as possible, without the fear of being negatively labelled just because a diagnosis.

Who has helped or inspired you in your area of research?

Mostly the older persons themselves. When I worked as a practical nurse, I met so many wonderful older persons. It makes me both sad and furious when I see age-based discrimination or underestimation.

What current research are you most excited about (your own, or that of others)?

I am happy that at Tampere University we now have a professor of gerontology, Jenni Kulmala, who is a true expert and dementia-related issues. This research area will now grow and that is a great thing.

What do you do when you are not working?

I go to gym or for a walk several times a week. Then I like just to hang around in home with my cat and enjoy the endless treasury of Netflix. And as a Finn, I watch ice hockey A LOT.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received?

Life is what it is and goes as it goes, as put by Allan Karlsson, the main character of the movie (and the book) The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out The Window And Disappeared.

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