Parkinson’s disease is a debilitating disorder characterized by uncontrolled limb shaking (tremor), slow movement, dementia and depression. It is the second most common age-related neurodegenerative disease affecting ~10 million worldwide, yet the causes of tremor are poorly understood and treatment is wholly inadequate. Tremor is linked to proteins called ion channels. These tiny molecular pores are studded into the cell membrane, permit the flow of ions through it and help to control nerves. This project will determine how a protein called LINGO1 affects ion channels and causes tremor, and whether drugs can be developed to relieve the symptoms of tremor.
Disease area
Parkinson's Disease and related disorders
Field of research
Neuroscience and Neurology
Principal Investigator/ Researcher Names
Professor Jochen Prehn
Fred J. Edzeamey
Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI)
Funding body
Start date
Project completed
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