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The Alzheimer Society of Ireland recently undertook a joint research project with UCD's School of Social Work, Social Policy and Social Justice, Age Action and the Irish Association of Social Workers. The purpose of the study was to investigate the health and social care system is responding to the care needs, required supports and preferences of older people, including people with dementia.  Findings show that the current health and social care system is failing to meet older people’s preferences for care in their own homes, with a lack of consistency across geographic areas and professional disciplines in both the provision of services and in how older people are involved in decision-making about their care. 

The full research report is available via:…

Ref:  Donnelly, S., O’Brien, M., Begley, E. and Brennan, J. (2016). “I’d prefer to stay at home but I don’t have a choice” Meeting Older People’s Preference for Care: Policy, but what about practice? Dublin: University College Dublin.

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